Watch Mask--There Is a Watch Face for Every Task

2 min readNov 18, 2021

Make Apple Watch changing face as easy as changing a mask.

Apple Watch has a bunch of watch faces, but people only use a few. Why? Because it takes extra efforts to switch and configure watch faces. What if the switch made easy, the possibility is unlimited. Think of this, ‘there is a watch face for every task.’

Currently you could customize your watch face like this:

The problem is, when you want to recall a watch face, you could only swipe around in the history list. There is no way to rename a watch face, nor to categorize, nor to search, nor to separate different intents.

Though some watch faces are one off for fun, still there are favorite watch faces which you customize every detail, the color, the tone, and especially the complications. You arrange the complications to display the most suitable information for you. But no matter how you customize your watch face, they will all lay together indifferently in the history list.

Watch Mask app aims at this. In my last app, I designed the tide complication to show up in the watch face. I found there are endless possibilities to display information on the watch face. But then, it needs many watch faces to carry these information. Different watch faces for different purposes with different information, just like a mini dashboard. Premise is that the way to get around watch faces must made easy.

Watch Mask app works as a watch face management tool. The idea is ‘change face as easy as change a mask.’ This app makes you store and recall watch faces easily. After customized your watch face in the Watch app, click share button to save to Watch Mask. Then in Watch Mask, you could rename, label, star, etc. to organize and launch them.

